The FDA issues new guidelines on what foods can be labeled ‘healthy’

The Food and Drug Administration announced new rules Wednesday for nutrition labels that can go on the front of food packages to indicate that they are “healthy.”

Under the proposal, manufacturers can label their products “healthy” if they contain a meaningful amount of food from at least one of the food groups or subgroups (such as fruit, vegetable or dairy) recommended by the dietary guidelines. They must also adhere to specific limits for certain nutrients, such as saturated fat, sodium and added sugars. For example, a cereal would need to contain three-quarters of an ounce of whole grains and no more than 1 gram of saturated fat, 230 milligrams of sodium and 2.5 grams of added sugars per serving for a food manufacturer to use the word “healthy ” on the label.

The labels are at helping consumers more easily navigate nutrition labels and make better choices at the grocery

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Cooper health to announce a $2 billion expansion of its Camden health-care campus

Cooper University Health Care plans a $2 billion expansion of its Camden campus, adding three clinical buildings and likely intensifying the already stiff competition among hospital systems in South Jersey, the nonprofit is scheduled to announce Monday. The project is expected to take a decade to complete.

Construction of the first building, at the intersection of Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard and Haddon Avenue and in front of Cooper’s Roberts Pavilion, is scheduled to begin next year. It will be used for clinical care and education, Cooper officials said.

A later stage of the plan will create more than 100 new private rooms. When the project is completed, Cooper will have 745 beds, they said.

Other details, such as the cost of the first building, were not available.

“Not only does this announcement represent the culmination of Cooper’s amazing turnaround since it faced bankruptcy at the turn of the century,

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Myth or fact? Nutritionists weigh in on the #rawcarrotsalad trend

#Rawcarrotsalad has 8.6 million views on TikTok, with many users alleging that eating the salad daily has helped balance their hormones.

In particular, influencers and everyday users of the app are saying that one of the salad’s main health benefits is lowering levels of estrogen, a hormone linked to reproductive and sexual development, mostly in women.

“This has definitely become a staple in my diet for balancing the excess estrogen that can peak at different times in my cycle,” Paige Nicole, a TikToker, said in her videos about raw carrot salads.

Other users say they’ve also seen a change in liver and thyroid function. And some even attribute the veggie dish to their weight loss.

The many raw carrot salad recipes on the app typically include additives like olive oil and apple cider vinegar — two ingredients that have proven health benefits of their own.

But with anything that goes

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Facebook directly linked to decline in mental health, new study says

New research has found a direct link between Facebook use and a “worsening” in reports of anxiety and depression among college students.

The studypublished by the American Economic Review, discovered that in the first two and a half years of the platform’s existence, college students who had an account on the site were 7 percent more likely to suffer from depression, and 20% more likely to suffer from anxiety.

Facebook’s initial 2004 rollout was staggered, with Harvard students gaining access first, followed by Columbia, Stanford and Yale universities. Researchers utilized medical data from these campuses, comparing their mental health surveys with mental health surveys from college campuses without access to the platform.

While there have been hundreds of studies showing a correlation between social media use and a decline in mental health, researchers say that their unique methodology has allowed them to confirm the link.

The study, produced in

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How Healthy Diets Like the Mediterranean Diet Help Protect Brain Health

  • A new study finds that across different races and ethnicities, the metabolites from healthier diets may help protect brain health.
  • Diet is an important source of many metabolites, which can be markers of various aspects of our health.
  • Past research has found that certain metabolites — including lipids, amino acids, and steroids — are linked with cognitive decline and dementia.

New research from investigators at Brigham and Women’s Hospital has further confirmed what is already known about the link between diet and cognition — that what we eat can impact our brain health.

Metabolites from healthier diets, such as the Mediterranean diet, were associated with stronger cognitive function while metabolites from diets higher in sugar were associated with poorer cognitive function, according to the report, which was published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia onFriday.

The researchers also demonstrated that these findings can be generalized to different races and ethnicities.


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