Choosing Inpatient Rehab for Opioid Abuse

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While many active drug abusers insist that they can control their use, the fact that President Donald Trump recently declared the opioid epidemic a national public health emergency suggests that substance abusers are not nearly as in control of their addiction as they claim to be. Whether users are simply unsure of how to find an inpatient drug rehab center in Ohio or another area or they avoiding treatment because they are unaware of the dangers of long-term opioid abuse, seeking care may be the difference between life and death.

Basic Information on Opioid Drugs

The most commonly known opioid is heroin, although a wide range of prescription drugs, including fentanyl, codeine and oxycodone,among others, fall under the “opioid” heading. Such drugs block certain physical sensations by binding to one or more receptors in the brain, and these substances tend to be highly addictive. Most important, however, is the fact that opioids can cause significant health issues when used outside of strict medical guidelines.

Health Problems Associated With Opioid Abuse

Active drug users, students and the general public are often aware of the fact that opioid abuse can cause health problems, although many do not know exactly what those health issues can entail. Prolonged opioid use can impact virtually any body system, and the problems that it causes can range from simple nausea and vomiting to serious issues like respiratory distress, heart attacks and even heart failure. Regardless of which body system begins to suffer first, it is safe to say that ongoing abuse of opioids can create significant health problems.

While the physical problems that often occur with prolonged opioid abuse are serious by themselves, the psychological problems caused by addiction can also have an impact on the user. Depression is a common issue experienced by active drug abusers, and interpersonal relationships with non-users tend to deteriorate over time. Opioid abuse can also impact a user’s career, which could lead to the loss of employment and subsequent financial problems. The very nature of drug addiction is insidious, and problems often crop up so gradually that they become serious before a user even understands what is happening to his or her physical or mental health.

Determining Whether or Not Rehab is Appropriate

First and foremost, drug users considering rehab must want to stop using the substances that they are abusing; without a desire to stop, rehab is likely to fail. That said, those wondering if rehab is appropriate may want to consider how strongly their drug use is impacting their daily life, relationships and career; after all, if a user cannot see how drug abuse is affecting different parts of his or her life, it is not too likely that he or she believes that the addiction is a problem.

Once an individual determines that drug use is having a negative impact on one or more parts of his or her life, it is time to choose between inpatient and outpatient rehab. While this is often determined by health insurance requirements, physician referral or through another method, those who opt to seek treatment must ensure that they are satisfied with the route that their care is taking.

Understanding Inpatient Rehab

While there are an infinite number of rehab programs in the United States, they all differ slightly from one another. Regardless of their differences, there are some common features that inpatient rehab centers share. Those seek inpatient drug treatment will find that the program is residential; patients will be closely supervised throughout the detox process, and the daily routine may include counseling, meetings and therapeutic recreation. Patients attempting to choose between Ohio detox centers may wish to look at the finer points of the program to better understand which option is the best for their personality and addiction.

Making Rehab Work

Though there are no easy answers when it comes to addiction and rehab, those who closely follow their program may be able to reclaim control of their personal lives. Patients entering rehab must remember that while facing addiction head-on is difficult, long-term drug abuse could be deadly. It is also vital to enter rehab unashamed of needing help with a drug problem; facility employees are trained to help, and the other patients are facing similar problems. Regardless of how difficult or embarrassing rehab may look from a distance, learning how to live with a substance abuse problem without using drugs is one of the most important things that addicts can do for themselves.